Baha'i Artist Explores "The Spaces Between" Cultures

February 7, 2006

Source: Wairarapa Times-Age

On February 7, 2006 Wairarapa Times-Age reported, "Renowned Masterton artist Robin White says 'the spaces between' bond her work as an artist with the travels and talks demanded by her post as an international representative of the Baha'i faith. 'The spaces between cultures and backgrounds are reflected in both of these areas of my life. It's about crossing those barriers – experiencing our differences and exploring our similarities.' She leaves today for Hawaii as one of two appointed Australian counsellors who represent Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and 'numerous island nations and states' on the Continental Board of Counsellors that meet twice yearly as an administrative body for the Bahai faith movement. 'Baha'i is a united and global community committed to five-year plans directing our activities and growth. Counsellors reckon out how we will handle our responsibility to that essential framework over the next five years for the Bahai community worldwide.' White said her work as a Baha'i representative took her to Israel on Christmas Day last year for a fortnight meeting of the board of counsellors at the International Teaching Centre at Mount Carmel in Haifa'... 'Our work basically is establishing and maintaining processes to enrich the spiritual life and the promotion of education among children and junior youth, that is open to the wider community as well.'"