Archbishop Speaks to U.N. on Importance of Religious Freedom

October 27, 2004

Source: Zenit

On October 27, 2004 Zenit reported the text of the address that Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Holy See's permanent observer to the United Nations, delivered before the 3rd Commission of the U.N. General Assembly on Item 105b: 'Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance.' Migliore said, "[F]reedom of religion is a condition for the pursuit of goodness and true happiness; religious freedom, in particular, is man's pursuit of the 'last things,' those things that satisfy the deepest, inmost and unfettered longings of the human spirit. In this sense, therefore, religious beliefs and freedom must be lived out and considered as a positive value and not be manipulated or seen as a threat to peaceful coexistence and mutual tolerance; it is a value consistent with other freedoms and so it serves to bolster their existence too... The greater exercise of individual freedoms may result in greater intolerance and greater legal constraints on the public expressions of people's beliefs."