Arabic-Language Site Launched by Thai Government to Reach Out to Muslims

September 7, 2006

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

On September 7, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "The Thai government on Friday will launch its first-ever Arabic-language Web site to reach out to the Arab and Muslim world, the Foreign Ministry said. The site,, was designed by the Foreign Ministry to provide information about Thai society, ranging from Thailand's revered king to the country's economy, arts and culture, as well as the Muslim community on Thailand. The government hopes the Web site, which can also be accessed in English, will 'tighten relations between Thailand and the Muslim world,' according to a Foreign Ministry statement Thursday. Thailand is predominantly Buddhist but has a Muslim majority area in the southern border region. The southern provinces have been plagued by a violent Muslim separatist insurgency, with near daily drive-by shootings and bomb attacks that have left more than 1,700 dead since January 2004."