Mystic Moon Coven

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 11 July 2006.

Contact Information



Angelus and Dreamweaver founded the Mystic Moon Coven in 1999. In 2000 the State of Kansas officially recognized it as the Church of the Mystic Moon. The Coven has its own form of Paganism, as do all covens. Each coven adheres to Pagan principles but follows beliefs and traditions specific to it. Its founders, Angelus and Dreamweaver, who have been third-degree witches since 1998, previously belonged to the Crescent Moon Coven under the leadership of the Elder Shanem Falconfire, but after he departed they reestablished the coven with his blessings under the new name of Mystic Moon Coven. It is one of the few active covens in Kansas City.


The covenstead is an unobtrusive residential house in Kansas City. Inside there is an array of Pagan, Wiccan, and Shaman objects; there is a religious library with literature on Paganism, mythology, and related topics. Ceremonies take place in the back yard, which has markers for the four directions, a fire pit, and a maypole.

Activities and Schedule

The Coven's yearly events are eight Sabbats, monthly Esbats, and classes every Friday. Social gatherings are frequent, usually including food and family recreational activities.


The Coven participants see themselves as an extended spiritual family. They speak English; participants are Caucasian and African-American, mostly younger families with some singles, ranging in age from babies through elders. They are middle-class, professional people.

Ethics and Principles

At the heart of the Mystic Moon Coven’s philosophy is the Wiccan Rede, “An it harm none, do what you will." Acknowledging that the Wiccan spiritual path is not for everyone, the Coven participants encourage people to learn more about other religions and to forgo prejudices and ignorance. In addition to their own gods and goddesses, they honor divinities of Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, and other ancient religions. Each participant must choose a god or goddess, making Coven spirituality strongly oriented to the individual member.