Muslim Center of Detroit (CJ)

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 25 October 2004.

Phone: 313-883-3330
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Research conducted by The University of Michigan-Dearborn Pluralism Project.


The Muslim Center of Detroit is a part of the Muslim American Society, established in 1985 under Imam W. Deen Mohammed. The center is located on the west side of Detroit in a building that was built in 1927 by the Masons as a bank. The interior of the center can be divided into two main sections: the prayer hall and the social hall. In addition there is a kitchen, an office, and rooms for classes and discussions. The surrounding neighborhood has experienced deterioration over the years, but there are signs that people still see it as part of a potentially viable community. Across the street from the mosque is a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall and around the corner is a church. Further down the street is the building that houses the Detroit Repertory Theater.

In the Community

One of the special programs organized by the Muslim Center is the Detroit Muslim Mission, founded in 1988. The Mission assists the central Detroit area by providing support for Alcoholics Anonymous, organizing former narcotics users support group meetings, and participating in neighborhood block-club meetings, substance abuse counseling, parenting classes, leadership training classes, and job preparation and placement services are also offered. The center provides a free lunch program on Saturdays with funding from several different groups and general donations. In addition, it has donated fresh lamb, beef, and goat to the community. It coordinate neighborhood basketball games and a summer camp that is funded by New Detroit, Inc
The Detroit Muslim Center also belongs to the Council of Islamic Organizations in Michigan. The Council provides counseling and services to those in need, offers rehabilitation programs for ex-offenders, teaches tolerance for diversity, and encourages interfaith cooperation. Consequently, the Muslim Center is a vital part of Detroit's interfaith community. The imams and others from the Muslim Center regularly participate in the area's Interfaith Thanksgiving Day Service, the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Leadership symposium of the National Conference for Community and Justice, the World Sabbath, and other special services in the area.

Activities and Schedule

There between 100 and 300 families who regularly attend and support the Muslim Center. This does not include people who come to the center on an occasional basis for Juma Prayer. Although those who attend the Muslim Center are largely African Americans, participants include people from a variety ethnic groups and nationalities including Gambians, Somalis, Ghanains, and Senegalese, and European Americans. The center's activities include Jumah prayer at 1:00 P.M. on Friday and Qur'anic living series at 6:00 P.M. On Saturdays, at noon there is a soup kitchen followed by a class in Islamic basics at 1:30 P.M. On Sundays, at 10:00 A.M., there is instruction in Arabic, Qur'anic recitation, and a Hajj preparation class. At Noon, there is Taleem, Qur'anic teachings.

The Future

The Muslim Center of Detroit is in the process of building a new center at the cost of 1.5 million dollars and will accommodate 800 people for Jumah prayer. In addition, it will have a full-size gymnasium and there are plans for a school in the future.