INTERFIDEI (Institute for Inter-Faith Dialogue in Indonesia)

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 11 October 2009.

Contact Information

Address: Banteng Utama 59
Perum Banteng Baru, Yogyakarta, 55581, ID

Country: Indonesia
Type of Organization: Interfaith
Constructive Practices:
Promotion of Inter-Religious Dialogue
Press Relations
Information Dissemination


According to their website, INTERFIDEI's mission is :
"1. To encourage and develop a pluralistic religious thinking through dialogue
2. To stimulate a dynamic network of dialogue and interreligious cooperation
3. To encourage religious transformation as a solution to humanitarian issues faced by the society"


INTERFIDEI is the oldest of the existing inter-faith dialogue groups in Indonesia. Founded on December 20, 1991, INTERFIDEI is active in several regions and well-established in Indonesia. INTERFIDEI's founding father, the late Th. Sumartana, is a renowned and well-respected Christian in Indonesia who advocated for inter-faith dialogue. The organization runs various activities such as courses and forums.

Programs and Events

INTERFIDEI's programs can be divided into three main sections.
1. Education: INTERFIDEI tries to educate their members by organizing events such as seminars, workshops and training classes that deal with inter-faith questions. During these sessions, participants are encouraged to discuss the topic of "pluralism, conflicts, and peace" within the Indonesian context. In addition, INTERFIDEI also organizes short courses on religion as well as a course titled "religion and society studies." Similar to the forums and seminars, course participants are taught the tools they need to engage respectfully in a plural society.
2. Research: This program was established to allow INTERFIDEI to become a research organization which studies the role of religion in conflicts in Indonesia. Currently, the organization is involved in a research on religious education in Indonesia's school system.
3. Publication: INTERFIDEI publishes newsletters, magazines and books on inter-faith dialogue and pluralism in Indonesia.