Eckankar Group of Topeka, Kansas

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 9 March 2012.

Phone: 785-233-6954
Eckankar, "the religion of the Light and Sound of God," is an ancient though not well known religion. Over centuries, its teachings were scattered, but Eckankar was refounded by Paul Twitchell in 1965. Since then, Eckankar has grown to include over 50,000 members in numerous countries and continents, a growth that is notable considering that members do not actively seek to convert non-members and encourage children born to members to choose a path for themselves. The world Eckankar headquarters are located in Chanhassen, Minnesota, the home of the current ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp, whom members deem one who has traveled the path to self- and God-realization and is a spiritual guide and mentor. Eckancar is considered a living religion, which means it changes as human beliefs and social structures alter through time. Two main beliefs of the religion are the value of the personal spiritual experience and the belief that each person’s experience will be unique. Other beliefs include reincarnation, the power of soul travel through dreams, and the movement of the soul through the series of “God worlds” to eventual attainment of spiritual mastery. Eckankar's basic beliefs are available at Members hold that their religion shares many common beliefs with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity and is a synthesis of the strongest points of the various world religions. A typical ECK service begins with the reading of a set of quotations from various texts, such as the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad holy scriptures. Each person is given the opportunity to read until the passages have all been read. The readings are followed by a singing of the holy word “HU”(pronounced hew). Members consider the HU Song to be a “pure prayer of love to God”, and HU is also the holy name of God. The singing is then followed by several minutes of introspection and an open discussion of the topic of that week’s meeting. After this open discussion, someone leads the group in a closing song, sometimes accompanied by motions. Refreshments follow, and members are encouraged to socialize and enjoy each other’s company. Some meetings consist of an extended question-and-answer session. The Topeka members are open to inquiries and are willing to answer questions ranging from their personal experiences with Eckankar to their religious doctrine.