Detroit Mar Thoma Church

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 29 June 2018.

Phone: 248-213-2094
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The research was conducted by The University of Michigan-Dearborn Pluralism Project.


The Detroit Mar Thoma congregation was started in 1976 under the leadership of the Reverend K. T. Joy. Before the dedication of its present church building on March 11, 2000, members had worshiped at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in the Detroit neighborhood known as Corktown. The main consideration in deciding on the site in Southfield was its central location for members who live in dispersed communities throughout the metropolitan area. The church is a modest modern structure built in a neighborhood that is both residential and commercial in Southfield, a middle-class suburb of Detroit.


The Detroit Mar Thoma Church has approximately 500 members, and has experienced significant growth in recent years among young families with children. Almost all of those who worship here are families who have immigrated from South India, with some native to the U.S. But almost all are of south Indian background.

The Center

In addition to space for worship, the center has a kitchen and a large recreation room which is used for Sunday school and special events. On the upper floor are offices.


While men generally sit in pews on one side of the aisle and women on the other, following eastern tradition, there are families that sit together, especially among those raised in the United States.

Activities and Schedule

Sunday school at 8:30 a.m. for children and Bible study for adults at 9:30 a.m. are held on Sunday mornings. Worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. The language used in the service alternates on Sundays between English and Malayalam. Many of the young people prefer the English services which are shorter and include contemporary Christian songs. In addition to regular Sunday services, major holy days include Easter, Christmas, and the feast of St. Thomas.
There are other programs, including Malayalam language instruction for children and adults from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Friday evenings. Two classes, beginning and advanced, are held simultaneously. In addition, the center sponsors special cultural activities for young people.