Cullowhee Sitting Group

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 28 October 2002.

Phone: 828-586-3446
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Activities and Schedule

The Cullowhee Sitting Group has gone through many changes in schedule and style during its seven years of existence. Currently the group sits on Thursday afternoons from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Practice takes place in a small room filled with cushions used for group activities by the university’s counseling department. Attendees sit in a circle and perform silent meditation for thirty minutes, ending with a couple of bows. There is no liturgy. If anyone has questions or wishes to discuss something, it is brought up at the end of the session.


There are only four regular members of the group at present, of which usually three or all four attend each session. All are European-American female staff members in their forties, some of whom work in the counseling department. During the school year another three or four students may also attend, depending on interest, and there are one or two faculty members who sometimes sit in as well. Newcomers are given instruction in Zen meditation beforehand, though attendees are welcome to perform any sort of silent meditation they choose.
Though the group is low key, they do advertise themselves in the staff newsletter and are now part of the official activities of the counseling department. At the beginning of each semester they hold an “open house” session and invite newcomers to participate.