Chrysalis Meditation Practice Group

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 6 June 2013.

Phone: 804-359-0384
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The Chrysalis Group is an eclectic spiritual community founded in 1994. Activities range broadly but tend to have a connection to the New Age and healing movements. In 2001 a Vipassana meditation group was started as a regular Chrysalis activity, and the small group that has coalesced around this Buddhist practice continues to meet every Wednesday morning.

Activities and Schedule

The primary activity of the Chrysalis Meditation Practice Group is a meditation and discussion gathering at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday. The format is very simple: it begins with forty minutes of silent seated meditation, followed by tea and discussion for forty minutes. Sessions conclude with another forty minute period of silent meditation . Chrysalis also holds occasional six-week courses on Vipassana meditation, from which a number of people have become interested enough to attach themselves to the Wednesday group.


The Chrysalis Meditation Practice Group is small, with about eight to ten members and an average weekly attendance of three or four people. The Chrysalis Group itself is mainly made up of European-American women, and the Vipassana group reflects this demographic: all its regular attendees are Caucasian women.